I've been slowly reading the online book CausalML, whose authors include some of my distant colleagues at Amazon. My goals are to:

  1. Read the whole book; to try and maintain momentum, I'm shooting for 1 month timeframe. Basically a chapter every other day.
  2. Run through the associated notebooks in Python to work with actual data and implementation.
  3. Run through at least one code examples in R (rather than my staple of Python), to try to improve my ability to work in another language.
  4. Take notes on the core concepts, and include areas where I think this could be applied to current and future work.

Chapter 1: Predictive Inference with Linear Regression in Moderately High Dimensions

PDF link to Chapter 1


  • It's interesting to think about the implication that the best linear predictor is not found from setting \(E[(Y - \beta^\prime X)] = 0\), but rather \(E[(Y - \beta^\prime X)X] = 0\). This comes from the fact that this minimizes the mean squared error and not the mean absolute error; not sure if the solution for MAE could be defined since it's non-differentiable.
    • Simple decomposition of the solution: \(Y = \beta^\prime X + \varepsilon\), where the residual \(\varepsilon\) is orthogonal to the covariate vector \(X\).
  • Authors refer to the "law of iterated expectations", which is an alternative name for the "law of total expectation". The special case of samples is clearer to me for a practical purpose, similar to how one works out total probabilities for a simple Bayesian approach: \(E[X] = \sum_i E[X|A_i]P[A_i]\). Conditional expectation is important since one can use a linear combination of non-linear transforms to solve the best prediction problem.
  • Moving to finite samples — i.e., the real world — just replaces the theoretical expectation values with empircal averages over the existing sample. Going from \(\beta\) to \(\hat{\beta}\).
  • The decomposition is a clean way to think about how the variance is explained. For \(E[Y^2] = E[(\beta^\prime X)^2] + E[\varepsilon^2]\), the latter term is the population mean squared error. So \(R^2\) (either for the population or the sample) is literally the ratio of explained variation by the best linear predictor to the total variation, and is bounded between 0 and 1. This is a good approximation for \((\textrm{number of }\beta) << (\textrm{number of samples})\), or \(p/n\) being small. This can be formally adjusted in a regression, and is automatically provided as a fit parameter if using standard packages like statsmodels.
  • I understand the math of partialling out, but link to the earlier material needs a reread. Redo the wage-gap notebook for a practical example.
  • Also, why is \(\beta_1\) not primed but \(\beta_2^\prime\) is?
  • Despite having been introduced to them about a dozen times, lasso (and ridge) aren't intuitive concepts to me. Maybe this time through I'll find a better way to make them stick (other than the handwaving statement of "it penalizes certain bits of your regression/helps with overfitting"), which is nowhere near an actual understanding.

Miscellanea on Pelican and HTML stuff

As an aside, starting to write these posts resulted in realizing that Markdown as rendered in the browser doesn't natively support mathmode/LaTeX in the same way that Jupyter or IDE Markdown renderers do. the plugin render-math worked well for Pelican right out of the box (although the package has \<30 stars on Github as of Jun 2024, so I'm a bit worried about long-term support/interest). Just pip install pelican-render-math and add the plugin to pelicanconf.py. It does take the extra second or so for MathJax to render tech, but I'm grateful that this worked quite easily so far.

I also was reminded that Pelican automatically names the output HTML files according to the title in the metadata; the actual filename is ignored. This slightly annoys me in that it won't be clear on how content maps to output, if I'm trying to compare? Eg, I can have a content file named content/foobar.md. If that file has the following content:

Title: apples to apples

Veggies es bonus vobis, proinde vos postulo essum magis kohlrabi welsh onion daikon amaranth tatsoi tomatillo melon azuki bean garlic.

This article will be rendered as output/apples_to_apples.html, and would change depending on whatever the title is. It seems confusing in that I don't know what to name my article files now for best practice.




